The long journey is about to end
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No worries, I thought it looked fine :]

She was grateful to have the pack all around her, to be able to lead such a group. There were times when some of them didn't get along, she felt, but that was normal. The caves were fairly close together, and canines probably bumped into each other fairly often down there. Hopefully Akira would get settled in and make a friend or two without any problems. The canines in Anathema weren't the nicest to newcomers sometimes, but that was to be expected with their hierarchy. Zepars had to prove themselves useful before they could get much respect.

Akira offered her hand, and the Angela slid her ceremonial dagger from its sheath. It was one of three weapons that she carried today, the other two being daggers as well - albeit less decorative ones. This one was only used for this purpose and this purpose alone, the ceremony that would bind the newcomer to the rest of the pack and make them one of them. She made the cuts quickly without speaking, holding her hand against the other's tightly for a few moments before releasing it.

"It is done. You are now the newest Zepar of Anathema, the lowest on the totem pole. Welcome. Follow me, girl, and I'll show you where you can sleep" The leader said a bit roughly, putting the dagger back in its place and pressing the fingers of her other hand against the pulsing cut. It would heal in a few days, nothing to worry about. "Also, before I forget. If that cut gets infected or gives you any trouble, I have some herbs that'll help." She started for the caves, motioning for Akira to follow. "Had you been wandering long before you found us?"

Table by Jenny!

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