As we stand among giants

Word Count → 217 :: OOC: Nawrm :O I just assumed Shaw would turn to wherever Bangle is at when he offers the drink haha, even if he's still outside :3 <3

Shaw smiled at his friend, the trader was always one to put Shawchert in a good mood. He laughed at Bangles remark and offered him inside. Most of what Shaw had in the house was built from natural stuff because... well he wasn’t about to bring human furnature up here at all. He offered him a seat on a wooden bench, it wasn’t much but there were cushions at hand for Bangle if he wanted them.

“No I think Thornbury was too good for me. It’s so damn hard to stand straight in those tiny human houses. Besides, as a vigilante, I need a god look out right?”

Shawchert grinned at the man. His smile faded a bit when Bangle asked about his bandages but he brushed it off in a few short words. He had his back to the man for the answer

“It was nothing, just trouble at the borders.”

He said taking up a pitcher full of water and pouring Bangle a fresh cup, he handed it to the man without question, he wouldn’t be offended if Bangle didn’t take it but it was a thirst quencher and an offer to a guest.

“So what brings you to brave the giant’s abode?”

Shawchert asked with a sly grin on his face.

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Image © Nat!


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