It's all there is
It started as a faint buzzing, a sound that he could barely even hear. A short time passed and the sound slowly began to grow and change, no longer a buzz but something more that he couldn't place. Everything was dark, so it made it hard to figure out the sound, and the cold that felt like it was numbing him all over didn't help matters either. Then, rather suddenly, there it was. The ocean's waves crashing up against the shore. It was loud, roaring, and then he felt the pressure, warmth and pain and relief all at once.

His mouth opened up suddenly, coughing violently to rid the water from his throat and mouth. Another cough, then what sounded like a faint whine, and the jade eyes of the young Leader snapped open, only to squint back closed. The light poured in and burned his eyes, the pressure of whatever it was on his rids causing a painful sound to break away from him. Finally, able to open his eyes fully, he saw her there hovering over him, pushing on him. "Naniko?" It was a hoarse sound, sputtering once or twice only to cough again.


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