These hands will cause no harm

Rurik couldn't help but grin when she insulted him again. He knew he was stupid, for more than one reason. He slipped his cloak off and pulled his shirt up using his good arm so she could get to his back. In doing so he revealed the extend of the damages. The bandages on his shoulder was soaked with blood on both sides, meaning there was likely injury to both sides of his shoulder, with the front being the worst. The slash on his back was what caught one's attention though. It had luckily been a clean, straight, diagonal cut from his right shoulder blade down to about his mid back. It looked relatively deep, though not enough to sever his spinal cord or cause any permanent damage, just hurt like hell.

As if that weren't enough, it was red, swollen looking, and warm to the touch, meaning it was probably infected. The inside of it was a dark red/black mix as the blood had dried about a day ago and was already beginning to crack inside the wound. from these cracks came a mixture of blood and a clear pus fluid, meaning that it was defiantly infected, but probably not far along and still treatable with the right stuff.

He winced as open air touched the tender flesh and looked at her pleadingly when she began getting her things ready. Please be hurts enough as is..." He hated sounding weak like that, but it hurt! When she moved around behind him and introduced herself he nodded in assent. Rurik Ivanov... He wanted to say something smart about being a loner and not having a pack, but a searing pain jolted him as soon as she touched the cloth to his back. He clamped his muzzle shut and gripped his staff in his lap so hard that the wood creaked and the muscles in his arms stood out taunt under his skin and fur. When she pulled away, he breathed out a ragged breath. Would you mind being a bit gent-" He had intended on saying 'gentler' but another white hot pain prevented him. If this is what getting healed was going to feel like maybe he would have been better off wandering around.

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