Consequences of a dangerous game
Don't worry about it. The anesthesia that Pilot is going to use will temporarily knock Skoll out. So based on how this thread goes, feel free to play out dreams/thoughts/whatever, haha. Short posts are good too![html]

He had all sorts of things sprawled out on the ground and he was thumbing furiously through the pages of one of his many medical books. On the ground a volume of plants and their properties was flipped open, but for the moment forgotten in Pilot’s haste to discover some bit of information inside the book he held. Various jars and gathered herbs were spread out on cloths on the floor, next to some metal tools he had found in the human city. He had already applied some cloth bandages to some of the wounds to staunch the bleeding. They were only temporary until Pilot could figure out just what it was that he needed to do. First was first – he had to assess which wound was most critical.

He figured he'd work on Skoll’s arms first, as the thick maroon of his blood had thoroughly drenched the golden fur. He could imagine that the pain was not pleasant even though clearly Skoll had a tough soul. Some of the wounds would need a few stitches, and that was not going to be easy. Pilot had the supplies at hand, but knew the pain would be excruciating. The tips of his fingers flipped the pages until he found what he wanted. Kava.

He turned to the herbs he had ready. Sorting through he found what he wanted. Kava would be used as anesthetic while Pilot treated Skoll’s wounds. If he could get the amount right, Skoll would go into a sleep while Pilot stitched the wounds closed. Upon wakening, he'd find his sleep restful and with no physical side effects. That was the nice thing about Kava’s properties. However, it could potentially cause euphoric dreams which could lead to movement on Skoll’s part. But as far as Pilot was concerned, it was the only option he had. Willow bark also had similar anesthetic properties, but he knew kava would be the best choice.

He quickly set himself to building a small fire, cursing himself for the time he would have to waste in waiting for the flames to take root. He was going to use a set of traumatic needles he had discovered in the city, but was well aware that he would need to sterilize them first. While the fire was slowly growing, Pilot prepared the Kava for Skoll’s consumption. "You really got yourself in a fix, huh?" He asked, though not intending for a reply so much as to just hear a voice among to silent air.


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