[M] this little piggy...didn't make it.

Hehehe. :3

Word Count → 373

The fact that he was now so angry was proof that her actions were getting to him, which was rather satisfying to the little girl. She knew punishment would follow soon enough, but it was inevitable with a man like this. There was no way that she would escape being beaten down in this situation, everything she did would have been wrong in his eyes. Obviously, to him, she was a worthless little virgin only good for fucking and beating. Probably not worth his time, and yet here he was, taking out his anger on her tiny body, knowing how bad he would hurt her in the process. There would be no walking out of the town for her at the rate he was going, she was going to be in so much pain that moving would be nearly impossible.

The impact from his hand to her face sent the little one tumbling, her body crashing to the ground with a hollow ‘thud’ and a sharp yelp from her mouth. The entire right side of her body began to throb, making it known that it would be severely bruised and tender later on. Crying heavily, she curled into herself and brought a hand up to her face, rubbing the spot he had hit, trying to rub the sting of pain away. To be able to deal with this asshole, she needed to be able to think and see him, to know what was coming at her. The pain was blinding and made it pretty much impossible to focus, it needed to go away. He wasn’t going to let her go for more than a few moments without inflicting a new pain though, and she realized that as the backpack was laughed at her stomach.

The weight of the tools she had collected before slammed into her frame and knocked her breath away again, making her gag and inhale sharply, coughing and sputtering. Shaking, she shoved the bag away and pushed herself up, almost not making it when he began yelling at her again. When she saw the fists hanging at his sides, she flinched and pushed herself back until she was in the corner, curling in tightly on herself as she cried.

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