The Last of Summer
{OOC- It's alright, I'm just glad someone's replied to my post Wink}

Lycan was slightly confused by the wolf's accent, but he figured there were many wolves around the lands with different voices; the voice wasn't the most important in a wolf's personality. At least that was how Lycan saw it. Lycan was relieved that the wolf was friendly, and smiled when the wolf explained about the beauty of the season. Lycan quickly scanned around the area, the breeze was smooth and cooling. With each soft gust, Lycan could smell the freshness of the grass and leaves.
The wolf soon told Lycan that his name was Ibycus, but Lycan was confused when the wolf bowed his head. Was that a way of a respectful greeting for wolves of his type? Lycan though it would be only as polite to say his name back to Ibycus. "I'm Lycan" he said and bowed his head down low, his nose slightly touching the grass and leaves. To himself, Lycan looked ridiculous; bowing wasn't something Lycan had ever done before.
Lycan lifted his head and looked back at Ibycus, he breathed in a breath of the fresh leafy scents, along with Ibycus's. Ibycus had a fresh scent, much like that of his surroundings. Lycan thought back to Ibycus accent, it didn't sound local, at least not as far as Lycan knew. He then thought about just asking Ibycus, it would put a lot of Lycan's pointless guessing at rest. "Your accent isn't something I've heard before," Lycan said calmly. "If it doesn't bother you, can you tell me where the accent originated?"
Lycan felt slightly embarrassed that he didn't know much about places other than where he lived. Lycan rested his back legs down and sat in the lush, cool grass, waiting for Ibycus's answer.

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