[m] World of our Own
With his eyes closed and head laid back he looked almost innocent, it made her smile, she alone knew the truth of his desires but that still didn't stop her from occasionally viewing him through the eyes of others, now was one such occasion well until he brought his head back up and stared at her with an open look of admiration, she gave him a grin and sashayed her hips some as she walked. She exhaled happily as the chocolate tingled on her tongue and leaned back against the sofa, relaxing into it.

Now that the dregs of her nightmare had finally been washed away and real life came flowing back to her she could tell it was time again, time to procreate and pass on their lines to the next generation. She could tell Temo felt it as well, it was hidden in his movements and the way his nostrils flared every so often. She rubbed her head against his arm like a large cat, murring almost inaudibly. She felt almost callous, it had only been several short months since their first had passed on and the shock and despair of it still stung but the wolfdog was not seeing that now, all she could see was something else to fill the empty hole and heal them both.

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