It's all there is

The first thing that she felt was relief. As long as he was breathing, as long as his heart was beating strongly...she felet that he would make it. She had a lot of different herbs at home that she could use to try and help him, ones that would heal his cuts, punctures, and bruises. Was anything broken? She got off from on top of him at that thought; what if she was squishing some broken bones?

The next thing that she felt, as he replied, was anger. Anger at the coyotes for doing it and for starting everything, and then anger at Conri for him not having called her. She could have helped! As soon as that thought crossed her mind, though, she realized. She'd been sick the last week or so, stuck in the den. No wonder he hadn't called. "I...I should have been there too. Together, two would have been better" There was nothing they could do about it now, though. Except get back home. "Can you walk? I can try and help you. But I think we really, really need to get back home. Gabriel might be looking for you still. And once we're there I can really help you."


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