i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you
I likes the silver eyes <3. And I love this song, too. Is it the one that goes "if I didn't have you I know I'd be floudering around like a ship at sea" or something like that?

She did worry about Apollo sometimes. He got along with the other pups, talking to them when they asked him questions or playing with them when they invited...but other than that he went solo. Naniko had tried to get him interested in herbs, but he didn't jump on the new knowledge like Sirius had. She didn't know if he even really wanted to learn the languages that she had been trying to teach him and his brother...so she'd cut it down a little, speaking more Itallian and not as much French. She did speak a lot of English to him, too.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. He doesn't play with the other pups a whole lot unless they specifically ask him to come and play. And even then I can tell he doesn't really want to...he looks at them, then at me, then back at them. Like I'm supposed to tell him whether he's supposed to go and play with them." Was that normal behavior? Maybe she was too used to outgoing, rambunctious pups like Sirius and Noah. "But it's not a bad thing. He's really quiet and very cautious around new things. I wish I had more pups to base his behavior on...but each one of them is different, really."


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