Beyond Borders
Slay grunted in surprise as he was bowled over, snout over tail into the sand. Petals showered them until the two wolves tumbled out onto the beach again. He paused for a moment, panting, as Cer gave her teasing comeback. It was a pleasant surprise, to be sure! He hadn't expected the sudden ambush, but perhaps he should have - this was the same gal who had fearlessly followed him into a freezing ocean, and competed to hold her breath against someone much larger. His blue eyes flashed happily, as the fear and self-deprecation slowly sank to the back of his mind, cast aside for the moment. Always live for the moment.

"I'll need a little more than that, dove," he drawled, feigning an uninterested stance. "Maybe if you were a tad larger I'd have felt that, but as is, the breeze had more impact than you! Maybe this will give you some inspiration..."

Slay shifted to his paws, digging into the sand slightly as he lunged forward. His lowered skull butted into Cercelee's shoulder, rolling her roughly over. As he stood triumphantly over her, smiling broadly, he suddenly wondered if that had been too forceful. After all, he shouldn't be using his full weight on a girl. "You... you all right?" he asked, peering down with concerned blue eyes.


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