I see the moon and the moon sees me...

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The salty breeze was kind to Jaden as he walked up the coastline in his Optime form. It seemed like every inch of the wolf ached. Between the tremendous amounts of training he was putting himself through, both for his archery and his body, and the time he spent chasing and tracking local prey animals for the Ichikan hunt he was planning, not a lot of time was left to just relax. That is what the Shishen was attempting now.

Ever since the ex-assassin’s training and puppy hood, if it could even be called that, he had known only the deepest love for the sea. Even after he learned to fear the cold embrace of dark water, he loved the ocean. Just the salty smell and cool breeze was nearly enough to clear his mind, but only nearly. Thoughts of his planned hunt plagued the man and distracted him enough that he didn’t realize he was nearing the Ichikan boarder. The idea of leading strangers, even friendly strangers, was strangely nerve racking. The man thought for the first time in months that he was going soft. The truth was that he had gone soft in the months prior, helping when he would have hunted, sparing when he would have killed, and being kind when he would have attacked. The hardcore, cold hearted assassin was all but gone, replaced by a semi-well meaning Ichikan.

There would always be a icy corner in Jaden’s heart for any ill-mannered or plain male coyote he met. The little cowardly mut Slade, who had attacked Jaden when he was injured and his back turned, ensured that. But when Jaden heard an unfamiliar voice serenading the heavens he felt no contempt for its owner. The dark Optime stopped his slow tread down the soft sand, forgetting about his aches and listened. He was not wolf, but he was not coyote either. The voice was distinctly dog and dog howls usually annoyed Jaden. He thought that they were more skilled at incessantly barking than actually singing a wolf song. But this one wasn’t the worst he’d ever heard. The masculine voice called of a friendly sadness, one of pain felt and pain shared with the Moon. Being able to discern that much from a dog was surprising. It spoke something of character to Jaden.

He ventured forth in search of what he thought might be an intruder, until the pack’s land stopped abruptly. Then it was simply a search for a tortured soul. Every time Jaden spoke to Nayru she insisted that Ichikans needed to spread peace and compassion. So every time he got the chance, the pack’s lead hunter tried his best to do so. A short and uneventful walk toward the source of the dog’s call revealed a soft and deep song that began to roll across the sand. Moon, Moon, I see the Moon. Me, Me, god bless Me. Dark blue eyes wandered up the beach to where there tall, dark owner stood. He was big, breath takingly so for a dog breed. Jaden was pure bread tundra wolf: big, fluffy, and well built. Realizing that the two of them were practically the same size, the Jaden stood for a second and analyzed his situation. A confrontation was unlikely with a friendly call and the words “god bless me” were less than threatening. There was no reason to be hostile. “Pleasant evening to sing to the moon isn’t it, stranger,” said Jaden in a neutral and weary tone. Against the moonlit sand his dark coat was rather visible. The man hopped his greeting would not be a surprise as his silent step always seemed to be.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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