M - and then i'll set this place on fire

Word Count » 3+

She was the first to break him - Him, the sinner, the calculative grinner, the mask that sat with such jaunty and gentry over the beast within. Almost always a man of civil etiquette, vain with his own image and with those around him, it was this monster within that clawed its way through the chains of steely self control. It wanted to devour her, did the dangerous beast locked behind slitter pupils and a mass of chemical acid. It wanted to consume her.

The woman gave, and he took with clawed hands, intruding into her sacred warmth with the brutal desperation of a man on the brink. Electricity surged through blue-laced veins, and the blood of his father, prince of darkness, stirred within the maddened lust of the prince of thieves. Silent snarls erupted into noise, such a sinister snarling and growling that it seemed murder and mayhem himself had crept into the cold chamber, and stood now watching this vulgar and primal act.

They were a meshing of flesh, and his hot blood stained her fingertips and palms. The King's yellowed teeth flashed at her exposed throat, but they did not break the surface, held in check by the final strands of resolve and value. The beast within wanted to consume her, but Sirius was by nature not a mindless murderer, merely a killer with the soul of a condemned business man. Tlantli was not his victim, but his accomplice, and so much more. In this moment, she was everything.

Pleasure peaked, and with a final venomous hiss the monarch subsided, his head falling to the sweet curve of the woman's bared breast. Hot breath gasped through deadly maw, the growl still rumbling silently within him, a vibration through taught, lean body. He had once been a generous lover - So kind to the whores of London, so experienced. Had Tlantli been pleasured by his ravenous appetite? Did he have enough energy left within him to care? Not desiring to crush her beneath the weight of his now lucid body, the King rolled to the side, but his arms maintained a steely grip about the slender form of the golden Kimaris, seeking to pull her into the roll so that their poses might temporarily be reversed.

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