Jigsaw [P]uzzles

I can't believe I did that, I feel so silly XD WC: 672

The little patchwork girl was staring at the bird with something very close to awe, she was amazed by this bird, it was enormous, with large talons and a large beak, she could not imagine it flying, how on earth would it raise that large mass off of the ground? The male explained that he had once seen a photgraph of a bird this size carrying off a sheep, her eyes widened even further, this bird really could carry her off it it chose to! She was smaller than a sheep, she stared at the bird with cautious eyes.
”I would like to see that picture, it sounds very interesting, was it in a book? How did you know it was a bird like her?” She asked, but before she could get her answer the bird dipped it's head and bit her ear. She let out a yelp of sharp surprise, not with pain, more with shock, this bird really did think that she could be dinner! As soon as the bird released her grasp on the little female's ear she shot away from it, hiding beneath one of the shelves, staring at the bird and her owner from across the room, her usually over active tail was completely still as she stared at the bird, trembling slightly as she watched the bird. She was going to eat her! She was sure of it, the small multicoloured female hid her bright blue eyes under her muted grey paws, using the childish logic of if she could not see the bird then the large predator could not see her; the fact that she was sticking out quite prominently from under the shelf and that under the shelf was really rather well lit, making her perfectly visible, had not crossed her mind, she was invisible if she couldn't see anyone else. The male spoke, saying that she shouldn't be alarmed, that that meant that the bird liked her, the little female raised her head, moving her paws from her eyes, staring at the alabaster male and his large pet. Slowly, cautiously, she moved out from her hiding place, keeping low to the ground, her ears perked up again, though she flattened the one that had been bitten to her skull quickly, in case the bird decided that a nibble was not enough. Soon she was standing near the pair again, she looked at the male with wide eyes.
"If that's what she does when she likes me, I wouldn't like to see her when she doesn't like me! Are you sure she doesn't want me for dinner? I don't want to be eaten! The little female said, asking the most important question, she wasn't getting any closer to the bird until she was completely sure.

She watched the male as he explained how she was still a young bird, that she had come from a tiny egg, she turned her head to one side, did birds grow faster than wolves then?
"How did she get so big so fast? Do birds grow very quickly?" She asked, her curiosity soon swamping her fear, she managed to pad a little closer, smiling at the male. The way he spoke of his father made her ears droop a little, it seemed that he did not like talking about him much, the little female decided to change the subject very quickly, as to not make the male upset, she didn't want him to be upset, especially in front of his young red son. She smiled up at him, trying to think of the best question to ask to distract him from the subject.
"How long have you had the birds? Have you always kept them here? Do you have more? Or is this it?" The little patchwork fae asked the barrage of questions quickly, trying to change the subject and also being filled with vast curiousity about these strange creatures. They were odd to the little female, the large predators of the sky, they were terribly interesting though.

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