Wheels Start Turning

OOC here!

'Leon, a gentleman's persona never did suit you' her voice was flirty, like his hand been though she had had much more training in it. She simply nodded to the comment about his horse, she wasn't connested on any type of spiritual level with Neo, hell, she barely even tollerated him. Thankfully he was an obediant, docile thing and didn't misbehave at all, because on top of everything Io found herself needing to do, and what she would need to do in the months pending, she had no time to fuss about with the snowy beast.

'Leon' she said softly, unsure of what else to start with. She couldn't just blurt it out, as much as she wanted to to lessen the fuss and hype around it. 'We need you, bodily wise' Io said, stumbling over her words at a loss for anything sensible to say. She wanted to blurt it out, but that would most likly uncovince both unsure parties. She sighed, gesturing to his waist area and that below it in an extravegant circle. Io eally didn't know what else to say after that, so with a look to Aeron, a pleading, almost begging glare she ended her attempt. Granted the warrior femme was much better at socialising than Io, who, as extroverted as she was on the outside, was an introvert at heart. She crossed her arms over her chest and reshifted her weight in axiety.

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