What we can endure
Shiloh leaned against Orin as they embraced each other. How long they held each other Shiloh didn't know but as her pain escaped her and she let go of what emotional pain she had been holding back for weeks since she arrived in CDA. She cried for her weakness, she cried because she had let Rain win by not only breaking physically but mentally. In Orin's arms she almost felt whole again and she didn't understand why she cried too. For once Shiloh didn't feel alone and misunderstood.

Shiloh was so lost in losing herself in Orin's arms that she jumped a little when she spoke to her, her own voice gone, her throat to tight to say anything as the woman helped her out of the allyway. It was a slow task, Orin acting like a second leg as Shiloh tried and failed to stay off her throbbing ankle. "This way" she heard Orin say and they walked for some distance before coming to a empty building or at least Shiloh thought it was empty as they went up the handful of steps and to the door. Orin paused and Shiloh felt her start to tremble. It was only for a moment and Shiloh watched as Orin bit her lip before opening the door to what seemed to be a really old bookstore. Shiloh hadn't read a book in months and missed the worlds that some of them could take her.

Orin helped her into a chair before looking around. “It’s like… it’s like nothing ever happened here…” she heard her whisper and Shiloh knew this place haunted the woman much like being in her home land did. Shiloh tried to find her voice and was able to croak out a question. "What demon haunts you here Orin?" she asked looking down as she felt Kavi swell inside her. She wanted to take over but Shiloh wanted to get to know Orin before she let Kavi out. She noticed the woman's shaking limbs and knew something bad had happened to her too. Orin turned to her and Shiloh looked up to see a deep sadness and much worry playing across her face. She could smell Orin's worry as she asked about Saxif. A whine escaped her and tears threatened to consume her again.

"My mate is alive and well if that is what you are asking. She just... can't stand the fact that I have a split personality. Kavi keeps her away and I haven't.... she can't.... I am unloveable..." she stuttered to the alabaster female. She looked down her arms, then to her bandages then to her ankle. Physically she didn't understand why Saxif had even claimed to love her. She was not beautiful, not like Orin who bore not scars, or at least none Shiloh could see. "I am a monster..." she whispered looking down

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