

When she had arrived, Sa’adat had carried a disease he had been ill-equipped to battle. Enkiel was, however, a creature of resourcefulness—after all, he had come alone through the wilderness and found his way to this place. While he lacked the combat skill his sister had strived after and the divinity his brother claimed, Enkiel was wise. He was savagely wise in the cold way of his distance, which made him perfectly suited for his role as a medic. Sa’adat had come with malaria in her blood and a lesser man would have watched her die. Not so with Enkiel, who had sat up for long nights and learned what she carried and tasted it himself. Feverish as he had become, he had cured her.

He looked up as she returned, eyes lingering on the body she so often hid. This he recognized as the practice of women, though it was one he understood. Men gave into temptation easily. Even he, who had never felt any desire for the women he had encountered, admired her curves and her flat stomach. His medical eye recognized that she was well suited to bear children, though he would never tell her such a thing. Unlike Talitha, who was too thin and ruined her body with excesses, Sa’adat was (save recovering from sickness) medically perfect.

“لم أكن انظر القاهرة,” Enkiel admitted. “غادرت عائلتي من الاسكندرية.” He had desired to see the great city, but there had been little time. No, he had seen other wonders; Europe, where his brother had abandoned them, and Barbados, which had been a strange place he had quite enjoyed. “هذا,” he said, lifting up a stubby-leafed plant. “يسمونه mint.” He exchanged this for a long-stemmed bundle of flowers. “Dandelion.”

Shifting his weight, he motioned to a large bush closer to the tree-line. “الذي يسمى Hawthorn.” He motioned for her to follow, and with his own bundle of plants bound in loose cloth, advanced to the large bush. “يتم استخدام التوت لتضميد الجراح، ولكن اتصور انهم سيعملون كما صبغ كذلك. إذا كنت ترغب، يمكننا جمع اضافية لهذا الغرض.” A questioning glance, wondering if she might enjoy the project—he certainly had no idea how to use berries for dye or anything like that.

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