M - and then i'll set this place on fire
mall-caps;font-variantConfusedmall-caps;letter-spacing:4px;">THE SPARK OF DAWN

Passion had been lost on the golden women in the past, who bred for the satisfaction of breeding only when the natural tug of her life urged her to explore that world. Before she was given choice, it had been for her benefit. Touch was a medium of which the Crone knew little about, at least as far as enjoyment went, and she was incapable of recognizing anything but the relief experienced as the handsome Adonis explored her with a familiar animal hunger. It was what she'd been wanting, but was it enjoyment? Was it pleasure? She didn't bother to answer her own questions, so wrapped up in the release of the act even as it finished and she was filled with a comfortable warmth that spread through her loins.

A bloodied hand rose to stroke the tousled waves of chocolate hair that graced her chest as the leader fell against her, energy fading from the air as quickly as it'd suffocated the calm. Her fingers twisted strands about them, red eyes half-lidded as they gazed upward toward the sky, body drunk on satisfaction even as she was moved in one quick movement to rest atop her momentary loverKing. She squeezed his hips with athletic thighs, the faintest trace of a smile gracing gilded lips while she allowed her head to rest against the softly rising and falling chest of the Revlis King. Perfection seemed to suit everything he did, but she didn't dare inflate his ego further with the idea of it.

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