don't step on the momeraths
Titania Moonsong

She couldn't know that her attempt to grow up and be a strong little girl hurt her mother, her mind so wrapped up in being happy all the time that the idea of it was preposterous. No, Titania focused instead on the flowers that stretched across the world and the fairies that so few else believed in. Had she known Orin suffered for the silver girl's independance, she might have been more considerate to her mother's feelings.

As it was, she wasn't, and she focused on the purple flowers and reached her nose out to sniff at them excitedly. Which one was her favorite? "That's easy! These ones!" She poked at the violets around her with her little black nose, sniffing the purple petals with an excitement that showed in the wag of her tail. She tried to look at the flower that was placed behind her ear, but fell short of the opportunity, eyes shifting as far as they could to the side without any real display of the soft petals.

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