last friday night
i need to get myself back into writing 300 words+ per post D: lol and cue ookami realising he has morning wood XD
also we need to backdate this by about 15 days otherwise Jace would be noticeably pregnant already XD since she and Temo got their freak on at the beginning of september


She had been enjoying floating in the hazy world of her dreams, they were a better alternative to the headache and nausea that waited in consciousness but the living plane would not be denied and she was dragged into wakefulness by movement and a softly murmured voice. One she knew very well but that her alcohol addled brain connected to the wrong person; Temo. Her body felt rough and worked over, sore muscles protesting even the slightest twitch. She made a soft noise of complaint at the moving about and opened her eyes with a smile expecting night black to be before them. Instead sunshine golden was presented to her gaze, so much larger than Temo was. Her friend the giant that had been chased from his birth pack for being golden colored, Ookami was laid before her.

Mismatched orbs widened with horror as her heads pain made itself known agonizingly. Her scream sent birds taking to the sky for a quarter of a mile around them, startled by the loud noise. The she dog wriggled away from her friend of old, her head spun alarmingly as she realised it was herself producing the godawful noise. She shut her trap and instead simply stared at Ookami with her jaw hanging. They couldn't have... they wouldn't have... not even drunk... and yet her body felt the way it did afterwards. Suddenly she felt sick and buried her face in her hands, she shifted a foot and felt the cool glass of an empty bottle. She grabbed it, anger filling her now and launched it at a nearby tree, the sound of glass shattering was immensely satisfying for about two seconds before the cold set back in again, how would she tell Temo? Would she even tell him? The knowledge would kill him inside that she had strayed from him, even whilst under alcohol's influence.

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