Morning silence.

Sorry it took me so long to get it up.

The lands weren’t at all how she remembered them. Or, to be more exact, the lands were the same, it was the inhabitants that had changed so drastically. Adelaida was still on the fence about how she felt about the “intruders” that had come from across the mountain. They brought many strange customs with them, and although logically there had probably been luperci in these lands before they had arrived, the population was so small compared to what it is now that she had never run across them before. And still hadn’t. Or at least not one that had been shifted in front of her. Adelaida was in no rush to meet one, not even having known what they were until Umbra had explained them to her. And after her run in with the strange coyote who seemed to obsess over sea monsters, the masked female wasn’t really in the mood to run into anyone at all.

Stepping softly the female attempted to make no noise as she moved about on the forest floor. Which was not hard, as the dirt, fallen leaves and pine needles, provided a nice padding for her feet. In the fall, when they were dry and dead, then the earth would crunch whenever she took a step, but for now her foot falls were near silent. The sun was still low in the sky, for the day had not yet reached noon, and the shadows lent well to hiding Adelaida’s presence as well. The darker fur that grew up along her legs like boots, and the dark fur that created the mask on her face, helped to naturally blend in with the rest of the forest. Her dark fur actions like shadows that the lighter creamy brown acting like splotches of sunlight. The two year old felt safe here, in the forest, having her sounds muffled and the sight of her somewhat blurred, though she could do nothing to hide her scent and if one came looking, they would surely find her anyway. But who would come looking?


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