
I guess we can end with my next reply? Whichever you’d like Smile

WC: 322

Points: 3

Fun to ride. Axelle wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about riding horses, but she definitely would want one as a companion. She saw so many wolves with horse companions; she figured what would be the harm in it? She looked up at what she could see of the sky, and yes, the sun was going down. Watching the sunset made her sleepy, so she looked away.

J’adore. Her friend, her teacher; where was he? She hadn’t seen him for so long, not since the snowstorm where he had mentioned Alaki and they had gathered winter supplies together. ”That is possible. If, and when, you do find him, tell him I said hello.” She smiled at Kansas, it was faint and it seemed to not be all there just for him. Some of it was for J’adore, too, even though he couldn’t see it.

Axelle stretched her toes one last time before rising to a crouch and scooping the kitten up in her arms. Frex struggled a bit, but then realized he was in safe arms and relaxed. He didn’t go back to sleep, but sat calmly in her arms and watched what was going on around them. ”I think I’ll have to pass on this one. Thanks, though.” She gathered her things, what few she brought with her and prepared to leave, “Weed makes me extremely tired and if I smoke again, I doubt I’ll be able to make it home.” She didn’t want to sleep out in the wild with a little kitten to take care of too. If it were just her, she wouldn’t have minded and probably would’ve smoked another round.

”Nice to meet you, Kansas.” Her words weren’t exactly ‘goodbye’ words, but they were calm enough to seem like she was bidding him farewell. He was an interesting wolf; she would have to come back around here to see him again, so they could possibly smoke again one day.

Act speaks thinks/emphasizes
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