i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you
I know the song you're talking about (it's country! eww, haha) but the one I was thinking of when I wrote it is from the Monsters, Inc movie! :] [html]

"Oh," Pilot responded, curious if Apollo’s apparent apathy had anything to do with Pilot’s rare appearances to Twilight Vale. He couldn’t be so sure. Maybe it was natural, like Naniko had said. Maybe Apollo just had an introverted personality. Pilot really hoped so.

"Maybe he’ll grow out of it," Pilot offered, thinking then of his rather miraculous change in temperament. The days when Pilot had been naïve and rambunctious were now a distant memory. He wished he could revisit them sometimes – fall back into his memories so that he could see the types of things he had said or was told about. He could vaguely remember meeting Gibraltar (his then hero) and seeing his first wolf. But now all of that seemed as if it happened in a different lifetime.

"Naniko," he started, pausing for a moment where they were walking. He looked to the ground. Phoenix had been the one Pilot often went to for advice since he had been much like a brother to him. Now he felt as if he could confide in Naniko even if maybe she didn’t know him as well as perhaps some others might have. He valued her knowledge either way. "Do you think I’ll ever get over Dierdre?" He asked, looking up to find her reply.


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