Consequences of a dangerous game
I hope I got everything! [html]

He held the bowl in his hands, listening as Skoll informed him of his wounds. He nodded, glad to see him recline on the ground so that they could wait for the Kava to take its effect. He placed the bowl on the ground and turned to the flame. Picking up one of the traumatic needles, he held the tip over the flame so that he could hopefully sterilize it.

He was rather surprised at how fast he seemed to thread the needle after it had cooled and Skoll had succumbed to the Kava. He placed a hand on Skoll’s right shoulder and spoke to him, discovering that the Kava had truly kicked in. With that, he began to stitch the skin closed on the wound decorating Skolls’ forearm. This was one of the worst and had bleed a lot. If Skoll hadn’t of bumped into Pilot somewhere along the way on his journey home from the fight, he would have surely run into dangerous consequences from severe lose of blood.

The stitching went rather smoothly, and Pilot dabbed the area around it with a damp cloth to clean away the blood and debris. From a bundle of cloth he had with him, Pilot cut a strip to use as a bandage. After applying a salve to the wound, he tenderly wrapped his arm so that the stitches wouldn’t be exposed. It was just an extra precaution so the injuries wouldn’t open premature of healing.

Next he concentrated on the wound between Skoll’s right eye and ear. It looked rather deep and judging from the maroon color the cloth he had temporarily placed over it had turned, it was bleeding fairly well. When he began to mop at the laceration, Pilot discovered that the cut went clear down to the bone. He quickly threaded the needle once more and went to work. This took longer than before only so that he could ensure the stitches would hold together such a deep cut. He employed the use of a different type of stitch and knot combination - sure to provide a stronger bond.

He returned to the other puncture wound on Skoll’s arm and easily placed a few stitches there to close the skin. Like before, he wrapped all the stitches in a bandage of manila colored cloth. The last of his wounds didn’t appear to be as severe, but he worked to treat them just as hastily.

The slash on Skoll’s upper left arm probably would have been safe to heal without stitches, but he went ahead and sutured it closed just to ensure healthy healing. There was no way to avoid scar tissue, which Skoll had plenty of, but the sutures would help to keep infection out. He tied off the horse hair thread, cutting the remaining bit with a small knife.

He cleaned the wounds on his snout and cheek, and applied the same salve he had used on the sutured injuries. With that, Pilot finished with the immediate treatment of Skoll’s injuries. He would have to follow up this minor operation with a daily change of bandages, as well as reapplication of the salve. While he waited for the Kava’s affects to ware off, Pilot prepared a pain killer which he would give Skoll in case his stitches throbbed unbearably.


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