The Last of Summer
Italy? Lycan had never heard of such of a place, he was never taught anything about the world. Lycan child-life was only full of danger, he had never been told about life away from his Father's den.
Lycan breathed slowly, as another sudden breeze washed over his fur. Lycan's ear twitched as he heard small rustling in the leaves behind him. The forest life was waking up, the birds waking from their tree top homes, and the rabbits and wild ferrets appearing from the brush.
"No I'm from here." Lycan answered. "I've lived in this area all my life; I have a new den not far from here."
Lycan knew that he lived in a quiet spot; this part of land was full of life and relative peace. But for some reason, it was never enough for Lycan. He'd wanted to explore lands for a while but, with his new den, he didn't know when would be the right time to go.
"I like this land," Lycan stated, "It's peaceful, but I've always wanted to explore the world and see what it has to offer. Although, I don't know where or when would be a good time to leave." Lycan thought for a moment, and then continued, "You said you came from Italy, in the mountains, is it far away?"
Lycan hoped that, if anything, Italy was a good place to start. Lycan thought about the mountains that Ibycus had said about, what where they like? Lycan thought about high cliffs and snow iced on the peaks. Would they be worth his trouble?

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