Morning silence.
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Hey hey, no worries ^_^

Hel had left Styx alone for a few hours. They had arrived the previous day and already she was looking around the area. If she strained her ears she could hear the distant sea roaring and the clouds above her head promised something wet and windy. She had left her knapsack behind, it would be far too noisy. Her knifes she held in a belt across her waist and her long dark green cloak and hood were worn, blending in with the forest. Her movements were quiet and quick. This land seemed welcoming and the forest offered good cover. Hel hoped to bring down a small deer or a handful of rabbits, enough to ensure a good dinner for her and her mate.

The scent of wolf was fresh and strong, obviously a forest inhabited or travelled by many. It meant her search will be made quicker and easier. And soon, the faintest noise came to her and she froze. One paw gripped the knife and she slowly moved towards the source of the noise. A wolf. Not a shifter. A plain wolf. Well now this certainly was interesting. She'd seen normal wolves before, but she had hoped there would be shifters here. In Europe, the ones who didn't shift saw her sometimes as a curiosa, something to paw at, or an intruder, a monster. Hel decided to be careful, so she stepped towards the female's side and gripped the knife tighter.

Don't move. Turn around slowly and I won't harm you. She was half-hidden by the tree, her cloak only billowing slightly in the wind. She didn't want to hurt anyone. Not unless they were a threat to her or her mate.


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