Things just won't do without you
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If she'd denied him the fish? Styx blinked. She hadn't had to offer him it in the first place, had she? I'm not quite sure what you mean, he said. I didn't expect you to offer me your food in the first place, so if you hadn't, I wouldn't really have missed it. He would have been a bit hungry, yes, but he could have snared something later on, and he had a few belly-fillers in his backpack. No meat, of course, but apples and a box of berries. And should you want something in return for your fish, I'm sure we can work something out, eh?

If Hel would have said what she thought about him admitting his weak spots, Styx would have shrugged a little. She wasn't threatening, and even if she had been, Styx doubted he would have won against her anyway. So why had it mattered? Wasn't it easier to just say (indirectly, of course) that if it came to a fight, she'd win? That way, it wouldn't have to come to a fight if she wanted to bully him around.

My family lives in a town a couple of weeks' travel due north of here. My dad's from even further up north, from Wales, but my grandfather came south and met up with my grandma. He's dead now, so my dad's the head of our pack -- unless something's happened there since I left, of course. My mum's from... way south, somewhere. From the lands south of the inner sea. He grinned a bit. I'm a downright mix of areas. And races. Out of my four siblings, only one's a grey wolf like me and our dad. He looked curiously at Hel. What about you? What's your family like?


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