Colors across the sky.

Word Count: 504

Melee's words washed over her and she said nothing, taking in the girl's ambitions and turning them over in her mind. Guan Han? She wished to tell the weather from the stirring of the stars and other elements? They had had a Guan Han once, Alexander. The man had left and his absence did not surprise Nayru. Nor would his return if he ever made it. However if he did come back, Nayru hoped the girl beside her would have already claimed his rank. He had never served the his job as well as he could, but then did any of them put their whole hearts into the task they had been assigned? Some did, some did not, and Nayru could only watch them all as they plowed along, the stronger bringer up the weak. That was how it worked, and no one seemed bitter. However if Melee wished to fulfill any job, Nayru hoped she would do it well. And Nayru had little doubts that the girl would.

Turning her blood colored eyes to the sky, she thought of the stars. Dahlia de Mai had had an extensive library, and what books hadn't made the move from one pack to another were not extraordinarily helpful. There were none that would explain the starts to Melee and Nayru because Nayru knew were the Dahlian books on astronomy and the universe lay. In Crimson Dreams with Aro. Had they boy read them? Had he benefited? Perhaps Nayru could take Melee to meet the boy one day and he could teach her what he understood about the subject, it had fascinated him so. The girl seemed interested. Perhaps even, if the books were of no use to him any longer the dark boy could be persuaded to give them up to the younger girl. And yet for all the ideas Nayru had of helping Melee, she only made a soft "mmmhmmm", knowing now was not the time to push the girl in any direction.

The silence that engulfed the pair did not bother the Jiryu, even as tense as Melee's discomfort made the atmosphere. Merely the tiny woman kept her relaxed, calm face and when Melee spoke again she turned her full attention from the sky, back to the girl. "If you wish to help, there is much you could do." There was a endless amount of work with Siku missing, yet Nayru had not recruited a single soul to aid her. She would labor uncomplaining, picking up this burden along with all her others without a word if the others allowed. Never did she ask others to do anything which they did not care to do. And yet, most everyone seemed content with pulling their weight and for this Nayru was grateful. "I go to the vineyards most everyday now, you could join me in the mornings?" Nayru titled her head, not wishing Melee to make a commitment she did not mean but allowed for the opportunity anyway, it seemed the safest subject just then.

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