The long journey is about to end

OOC :Confusedrry for the late posting. A really bad week -.-

Both wolves surrounded the mountain leading toward the entrance of a cave. Akira was looking around, getting to know the landscape that now was her home. She needed to explore those lands to be able to serve her new pack and she was going to have that opportunity soon. A feeling of freedom was growing inside the black wolfess, she finally wasn't in the need of fight every day to survive. Her life on a pack was just starting and she loved the feeling of it. The white female started talking about some her leadership and some other issues that Akira already knew. She was going to stay surely around for a while, maybe for the rest of her life. She didn’t knew. Then the white alphess mentioned a coyote pack that was located next to the Anatheman territory. Inferni. The black she-wolf whispered softly. She was once next to that coyote pack, she even made a friend there but maybe not all the coyotes and hybrids there were so friendly. Well…I was on that coyote pack borders a few days ago… Thought I just met a little coywolf that was really friendly. A newjoiner thought...

The huge wolfess asked if there was someone traveling with her. She knew that probably all her family and old pack were dead on the surroundings of her old pack lands. It always brought some sadness to Akira when she remembered her old packs fate and this time wasn’t an exception. But she knew that she couldn’t stay sad forever. No, I am not traveling with anyone else. I don’t know if any one of my family and old pack is still alive. She sighed softly looking back at the floor. She nodded when the white wolf told her to enter the cave. She looked up and finally saw the cave entrance. The black female entered looking around forgetting for a moment her previous sadness. The cave seemed marvelous at her eyes.

Akira lives "Akira talks" Akira thinks

Table by Luna

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