i wouldn't have nothing if i didn't have you
We listen to a lot of country in Iowa >>;;; And if I say anything about Apollo that you don't like or approve of, definitely tell me :] I think we said he was going to be more withdrawn than Sirius? But I'm not sure exactly what that entails, so :]]

The only wolf that Apollo had ever really liked playing with had been Sirius...so now that his brother was gone, it made sense that he would be playing more by himself. Naniko did make attempts to play with him, but he always seemed to see her as more of a teacher than a playmate. Naniko had grown up in Clouded Tears without anyone of her age to play with, so she didn't understand why he wouldn't want to play with the other boys if he had the chance to...but she knew that he was a very different pup than she had been."Yeah. Pups are always peculiar...you never know how things will go."

He stopped walking and she did, too, looking back at him. She frowned, trying to think of an answer. "I...well. I don't know if you knew, but last year Conri dissapeared. I didn't know that he'd been kidnapped or I would have gone after him. He left me a note telling me to stay where I was, too...but it had blood all over it. I thought that maybe he'd been badly injured, and that he'd gone away to die and didn't want me to follow him. Or that he'd just wanted to go, for some reason. I waited for months and months for him." Back then she'd been caring for Dhalia and Khaden, who'd dissapeared soon after.

"Eventually I just got sick of it. Not of waiting for him, because I knew I'd always be waiting...but sick of beating myself up over it. Sick of putting my life on hold because I couldn't let go." She looked at him seriously. "Have you found yourself doing that? Maybe...not doing something you would have done before, not branching out and meeting new people, making new friends? And...possibly new relationships? It's been two months. She could come back. She really could. But you don't have to suffer while you wait."


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