I see the moon and the moon sees me...

ooc text.

The black german shepherd was huge and was a large mass of a male as he turned to the new voice that had talked of his song. And it was true that he was a dog, and generally a dog's voice wasn't so beautiful as a wolf's, but it would seem that the german shepherd must somehow have wolf genes to be so large and have such a deep, glorious voice. He took in the sight of the large wolf near by and wondered to himself if it were true; was he somehow part wolf? This lead his thoughts down the old beaten path of wondering who he really was but he hit the same bump in the road and returned to reality.

"Suppose so. Ole Luna must be talking to me again, eh?" he gave a calm, collected smile. He welcomed males unlike Fang who was so very commanding and dominant. Most males disgusted Fang while others turned him on, but either way Toby was not Fang and Toby was not a monster. So it was with these thoughts that he welcomed the large fellow who had the same color of ebony fur on his back except a scarlet red under belly that Toby couldn't help but relate to his own red markings along his thick coat. He let his tail give a wag as he said, "Out for a stroll yourself? You smell of this pack." And he nodded with his head off toward the border and toward the scent.

He looked from the border to the male before he rested his black black eyes on the wolf and said, "I'm Toby, by the way. And you are?"

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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