Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

Eep! Sorry about the long wait >.< Umbra wouldn't talk to me for a while. And even now, this post is short >.< Sorry.

Umbra blinked at her confusion, equally confused. Didn't she know about shifters? Or maybe she did, but didn't realize that was what he was talking about?

"I'm sorry if I confused you. No, I wasn't talking about coyotes. I was talking about them shape-shifters; I'm not one myself, so they tend to make me feel... edgy." Maybe it explained a little more about himself than he normally said, but it would also provide an excuse should she be pro-freaks, or even (perish the thought) a freak herself.

He rather liked her scent. He wasn't in love, of course. No, Umbra wasn't the kind to just fall in love with random people. But he liked what he saw of her so far, and wouldn't mind hanging around to get to know her better.


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