Piping Cold
I just ignored what Akira had said, but if you fix it I’ll add something in later

Rio kept her poker face on, and kept as calm as she possibly could. The other femme stepped towards her, and Rio tensed, but did not move. She kept her eyes on the other’s eyes, and knew that if she were to make a sudden move Rio would see it in her eyes and be able to counter it. She seemed to be all talk at the moment, and Rio wished that the femme would stop wasting her time. ”If you’re going to do something, then do it.” Once again calm vocals.

Rio’s fingers squeezed tighter around the blade’s handle behind her back. She didn’t want to have to use it, but she definitely would if this bitch’s bone knife came anywhere near her. Rio’s blood boiling rose, and a vicious snarl escaped from her throat. Her bloodstained fangs showing; they were bloodstained from eating the heart. If I kill her, I would be glad to eat her heart as well. She thought viciously as she glared back at the female. Her body was tense, but just loose enough to act fast.

”Please do something to me, bitch.” It was almost like she was begging. Her temper spread like a wildfire, and she’d snap just like a bear snare would: quickly. She took in a monstrous deep breath, and exhaled it like a bull. Whatever damage lay in her path afterwards is completely the black female’s fault for provoking her in the first place.

Her mindset was focused on what she needed to do to injure this female. She pictured her as Harlowe, as she said she would. Rio wanted revenge so bad on her brother for the evil things he had done to her. The things that corrupted her perfect life with evil and hatred. She was never like how she was now, and maybe in a situation like this she might have backed down and gave this female before her what she wanted. But now, having a corrupted way of thinking, she was ready to kill the female before her if needed. She was ready to do whatever it took to protect herself and what she stood for. Maybe Harlowe's corruption was a good thing.


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