Pack Killer

Word Count: 325

Parker knew that there were some times that wolves just couldn't be comforted. For whatever reason, there were periods of time where you just had to feel until the emotions went away. It was possible that this was one of those times for Liliana. The aspiring mediator and peacekeeper didn't want the older female to decide that running away was an option, though, or that she was blamed for what had happened. Neither was true; Crimson Dreams had stood up for her and defended her because it was what was right and they would not back down from that. If she ran away, it would actually make all of their efforts in vain. The loss of Anu would mean nothing if the wolves they were protecting were gone. Then they would have fought for no reason and lost blood for their wards to merely go back out into danger.

It was clear, though, that Liliana felt she needed to do more than just watch her children. Parker could understand that. Idle hands could often be disheartening to wolves so accustomed to working. She twitched her ears and thought of what useful tasks might be available for Liliana to assist with. That way the other female wouldn't feel quite so much like she was freeloading off of the Crimson Dreams pack and their generosity. "Is enough... if you want more, though, I am sure others could use help. Horses can always use more hands. We care for them, but always they want for more attention." she said with a little smile. Although she herself was not a proficient rider or a particularly equine-oriented wolf, she knew they liked having wolves visit them. "If you need, I can watch the children sometimes... you and your mate can go out, spend time." because she was sure that connection was important to keep strong, too. Besides, the children wouldn't even be a hassle; Parker would enjoy having them around.


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