there's beauty in destruction
        Gabriel rushed forward, attacking the wolf head on and tearing into the creature. It's jaws met only fur, but the hybrid ripped away flesh, blood pouring from the wolf's leg as Gabriel leapt back. Samael spent no time watching the scene before moving forward himself, leaping at the beast while his half-brother was occupied with the face and jaws. Head moved quick as a snake, teeth bite down on one hind-leg, sinking fangs into it's heel and snapping the delicate bonework that helped keep the creature standing. A cry tore from deep within it's chest as the two creatures tore at it, snapping fangs and whipping it's head around like a madman, eyes wide with terror and the knowledge that death was approaching and there was nothing he could do about it. Injured leg gave way and Samael moved for the exposed belly, sinking teeth into soft flesh and tearing to reveal the warmth and organs held within, spilling them onto Inferni's soil.

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