It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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ooc: I was going to have her find an 'offering' to bring back to the border since she believes she is trespassing. If that's alright. 352 Words

Character Name: X'yrin Exultare

Character Age: 3.5 years

Character Gender: Female

Preferred Specialized Rank: Kenpo | Konrei

OOC Name: Zyn

Other Characters Played: (Zynex)

OOC Second Form of Contact: Aim

Character Alignment: (optional)---

The silence was comfortable, but words would be needed eventually. Both knew this but neither jumped at the opportunity. Though the Nomad prided herself for her skills of negotiation and barter, she was less inclined to speak. It would have disturbed the field's tranquility...

She sat quietly, observing the subtle expression changes on the female's face. Her pitiful warrant her permission was not taken hostility, to which she was grateful, but the traveler was righted on her unintentional wrong. The land was claimed, perhaps beyond the borders she kept herself from. For all she knew the very ground she had dared mark was under protection of the pack. How fortunate would that have been... And to think, she'd stolen food from their hunting grounds. It seemed all too obvious now the reason for her little escort.

" 'see," the female said at last, her strong voice received as but a whisper. " 'apologize for trespass." A time of lack of use left her voice thick and broken, her speech a fraying string of coherent words. She was not at all embarrassed by this, more bothered that she was forced to make herself audible. Despite her preferences, she concluded this as her time to leave. The pack wolf was gracious enough not to attack her outright for trespassing, and she would do well to take this opportunity before their encounter worsened.

Admittedly, it was pleasant to be in another's company again. For a brief moment she was reminded of the Nomads; their strides matching, their purposeful steps leading toward the same unseen goal. Uncertainty might have lied ahead, but they were comfortable simply to be around each other, travelling together instead of alone. She felt the weight of her ears as they shifted back against her skull. " 'find elsewhere," she continued, rising her slumped form from the soft seat. "I return with meat for apologize. 'stolen meat." She bowed her head, inclined to be in better favor with the female before she took her leave to replace the stolen prey. She needn't be in disfavor of anyone should she find herself within this territory again...


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