Harmonious notes make mountains ring
Sorry for the wait. Been buried in homework and then sick as a dog. @_@ And as I told you, you're free to post since you're already titled up and we know who you are 8D I'm still pretty sick, so this post is yucky. Sorry! I gotta run to class too, so I'll HTML this up later.


As if all the heavens and earth could celebrate them, the onset of autumn was a glorious one. Razekiel held no preference of one season over another — each held its own surprises and benefits — but the quickly-cooling weather of the incoming shift in climate he found to be endlessly refreshing. The Great Mother had yet to truly begin painting at the leaves, though the coyote rushed from his hut every morning expecting the canopies to have shifted in colors overnight. He waited with great excitement for the day he could stand at Halcyon Mountain's highest points and view the autumn colors as they glowed over their Ichikan countryside. How beautiful this place was — how beautiful his home was, and with great pride he could only hope those he had gathered with him to create Ichika no Ho-en surveyed the land with a similar warmth in their hearts.

As if it was all he needed to keep warm, the Seiryu threw a scarf over his neck and the throat of Lark's alike, much to the stallion's discontent; together the two strolled the territory like equals, the blue roan neighing chuckles at Razekiel's hazy stories as they went along. The coyote would never truly know whether the horse understood him or not, but the red-faced coy certainly never minded the company, ignorant or otherwise.

A raven drifted past, cawing as it went, and in a sudden spurt of energy Lark kicked up his heels and trotted after it. Razekiel could not do the same — running while "inspired" usually ended with the male in the mud one way or another — but the coyote followed after them at an even pace, humming to himself absentmindedly and puffing at the joint between his teeth.

An exclaim of, "We're home," caught his ears from a short distance, and as Razekiel approached, he tried to discern who may have left them and returned so quickly. Lark was first to meet the aging woman and her raven companion; the horse stopped rather suddenly and tossed his head about, wary as always of strangers. "Peace, Lark, peace," the coyote said as he joined them, straw eyes lit with interest. "Hello, hello, I am Razekiel of these lands called Ichika no Ho-en. Whom have I the pleasure of meeting, man?"

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