[M] this little piggy...didn't make it.

Its ok. Smile This can be the closing post. ^.^

Word Count → 359

He was so horrible; laughing at the broken and bloody girl like it was truly funny to watch her cry in fear. Tawny curled more and hid her face beneath her arms when he got closer, hoping that whatever punches or kicks he threw would just kill her and get it over with. First her mother and father didn’t care if she lived or died, leaving her all alone after beating and starving her so many times. Then the traveling commenced and no one ever thought she was worth the time or effort to share food or shelter with. The first time anyone had ever shown real interest in her wellbeing was here in this territory. Saul and Axelle were the first creatures she met that she felt were trustworthy, who wouldn’t hurt her for no reason. The fact that she’d lived for so many months without ever feeling the love of even a friend in passing sealed the thoughts of her worthlessness. Now after that seal had been cracked and chipped away slowly by the Ichikans…this Fang was building it right back up and pounding it down harder.

When he growled at her to get out of his sight, she scrambled up and darted to the side, grabbing her backpack and breaking for the door. Her body left a splattered blood trail as she left the building, stumbling and falling all over the place. Pain flared up in her stomach and shoulder, making it hard to move. After a few minutes of labored running, she tripped over her own feet and crashed to the ground. There were no trees, no buildings…not even rocks near her body. No shelter from whoever or whatever might stumble upon her broken and bleeding frame. Not that it mattered; she had no fight left and would have fallen to any predator without much fuss, if only to just end herself there. She knew that Saul and Jace and the other Ichikans she’d met had showed emotions of affection and caring towards her, and she would miss Saul…but was there really a point in living when she had no one to live for?

Table code by the Mentors!

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