Brothers for the last time
;_; i love you rose, sorry for the fail

He did not smile at managing to his his brother and did not allow himself any time to revel in his strike knowing that J'adore was fast on his feet and would most likely attempt to use any distraction that held his attention to get the better of him, J'adore was sneaky and underhand like that sometimes, he did however allow his mouth to twist into a semblance of a small smirk. He twisted around so that he faced the scarred wolf and held his staff in a defensive position, awaiting the next move. His gripped tightened on his makeshift weapon and twirled it lightly in his great paw. The stick lashed at the air back and forth like a cat's tail and the man himself gave off an air or quiet patience like a feline stalking his prey, every sense narrowed in on the golden and black brother.

J'adore moved forwards once more, again showing off his formidable speed and his stick lunged around aiming at the thick set legs of the larger male. He danced backwards on light paws trying to avoid the lashing blows to his legs, he used his own stick to parry and block where he could but inevitably some of them got through and he grit his teeth as wood glanced off of muscle, small vessels inside his legs burst from the force and began to leak out into the surrounding flesh, quickly forming bruises under fur and skin.

With a wild cry he jabbed forwards, intending to force the white eyed man backwards, his war cry intending to distract and disorientate. He twisted and brought the stick crashing down towards J'adore's side intending to wind him and force him back onto the defensive which would give him the advantage to press down upon his sibling.

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