Call me weird
((What if we do the piercing IC, and the tat OOC? Big Grin ))

Liam grinned, excited. Rory said he could do the tattoo and the piercing. His tail wagged as he looked at his pack mate. "Oh yeah, Ayasha is a very special lass. One day she'll be my mate," he confided with all the confidence of a teenager lost in love. "I'd love to do them now. I mean, if you have time? Could we?" His tail kept wagging eagerly as he watched the wolfhound with excitement.

"Where do you think a piercing would look better? My eyebrow or my ear? And can you pierce a tongue? My dad's girlfriend has her tongue pierced and it looks awesome, I'd love to have mine done. Does it hurt? I mean I'm sure putting a chunk of metal where it don't belong hurts, but how bad does it hurt? Where should I get my claddagh? I was thinking my forearm or my shoulder blade. Will that hurt? I mean more than a little? I'm not afraid of pain, I'm just curious."

Overhead the sun had begun to rise, streaking the sky with soft streaks of light. The world was beginning to lighten. Even the dark male's heart was light. Normally, he'd be like he was just moments before, brooding and angry, feeling like an outcast in the pack. Well, he was an outcast in the pack. He only stayed because the butterflies would test him here. He didn't want to lose the chance to prove to the butterflies that he was worthy to carry out their deeds. They would rain justice on the shadow wolves of the lands.

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