moving in
((Thats good for me, Love! WC 6+))

Deuce heart ached, and she hugged the dark angel who was her mate once. Soran had been through Hell. When she was asked where she had gone, what she had done, she answered slowly. "It's a long story. For a long time I was the Shaman of Phoenix Valley. When Iskata got hurt, she named Jefferson as her successor. You know how I felt about coyotes and hybrids at the time. I left. I didn't want to be someplace that was so welcoming to those types of canines. I lived alone in Ethereal Eclipse. Well, not quite alone. Tal and little Willow were with me. Willow was the daughter of Haku, who was my lover for a short while." She gave a rueful smile. "I thought I loved him. He came and talked me into going to Dahlia with him, so he could watch his daughter grow up. Except his mate, Firefly, hated me. She wanted to kill Willow. So when Noah came to see me, I begged him to take Willow to someplace safe. Tal went with. Haku was furious with me, and I left shortly thereafter to be with my pups."

Her eyes went distant, becoming haunted. "I don't remember much of that time. I met with Lucifer there. He had changed, become darker. He didn't remember me or our boys." She shuddered as a few small emmories resurfaced. "I was hurt bad by a pack of wild dogs while looking for the boys and Willow. A wolf took me in, a son of Phoenix. And I escaped...but Lucifer caught me as I finally found my boy's scent." She looked down. Her voice was soft, almost inaudible. "It was a bad time. All I remember is a sharp pain, and seeing Lucifer hurting Noah. That was what made me shake off his control. And one day, Noah vanished. Tal was gone. I helped the alpha birth her pup, and she named me the pack healer. Lucifer had left by then too. And then Chaos came. I don't remember when or what exactly happened. He had a harem of females, basically. I tried not to fall to his wiles. I was staying in the hopes my boys would return. But Chaos seduced me. He was killed. His mate's oldest son tried to kill me. He did kill my boys, and he ate them in front of me. I'll never forget the sounds...After, he turned to kill Sora, but I fought to protect her. Adelio's mate came, and tried to intervene. She ended up hurt, and she grabbed little Sora and ran. I threw sand into Adelio's eyes and escaped the den. Rauslin gave me Sora back, and I ran to the lighthouse. Once Sora was bigger, we left the lands."

She swallowed. "I met a male named Budha, who'd never known any Luperci like us. But he offered to help me with Sora. I ended up wanting to know if my boys had made it back here. So I left Sora with Budha and came here. And here I am." She shrugged again.

Through everything, she still wished she'd never met Lucifer. She loved her boys and would never regret them, but she wished she'd never left Soran. She spoke softly, in an almost inaudible whisper. "I never stopped loving you, Soran. I missed you so much. I was a fool back then. I never should have left. I don't expect us to pick up where we left off... but I do hope that someday, maybe..." she trailed off again, not daring to voice her fantastical daydream.

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