Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.

Although the kind male provided what sounded like a sensible explanation, Adelaida was still at a loss. Shape-shifter? The masked female hesitated, and then finally spoke, her voice low and apologetic, she hated to appear so ignorant when this male was being so patient with her. "I’m sorry Umbra, but I still don’t understand. What’s a shape-shifter?" Were they anything like the coyotes? Adelaida hoped not, because having coyotes in her lands was bad enough, and Umbra seemed to hold a negative opinion of the shape shifters as well.

"The wolves that came from over the mountains, are they shape-shifters?" Perhaps, or perhaps there had been shape-shifters in these lands before as well. It was hard to say as Adelaida and her family had kept to themselves, easier to keep away from unsavory characters when one lived in seclusion. Now that the population of her lands had exploded upon her return, Adelaida found that staying away from the new wolves was much harder than she had originally thought.


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