The Rain, The Park, and Other Things
OOC: Sorry about the wait.

IC: She gave a smile at his apology. ”It’s alright. You just startled me, that’s all.” She assumed that he liked her dancing but didn’t ask. She wasn’t vain at all. She would accept any praise sent her way but wouldn’t go around asking for it. She gave another smile about where he lived. ”Sounds nice. I live up at the hotel near the kitchens. I like to cook.” She was feeling rather talkative, which was rare.

At where she came from, she grinned widely. ”My mom and dad are gypsies, well my dad was born one and then he married my mom. My mom, I’m not sure where she came from. But I believe I was born near California. But I’ve been plenty of places in America.” She missed the wandering life she was born into but also wanted to settle down.

Pearl looked at Jiva and asked, ”Is he your only son?” She hoped that it was a good topic. Most parents loved to talk about their children. But she would respect it if he chose not to tell her. She wasn’t one to push people to tell her what they didn’t want her to know.

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