i dig my hole, you build a wall.

Yeah, I think he would have just been general with the "crazy, violent, god-fearing" description, though he might have mentioned that they'd often find themselves at war and/or in conflict with others. Dunno if that counts as detailed. XD Also, idk, this can be done? Or one more post from you?


When his daughters had been young, there had been times when even he believed Inferni to be little more than a scary story. He had reduced it to a tale told on stormy nights, and for better or worse, he felt that the truths of prejudice and betrayal were lost on them because he did not want to dwell too much. He had been naive, and he had grown up kind. The reality of it was still that Kharma had come out of Inferni less broken than most. Though he still suspected that it would catch up with him sooner or later, he could not tell the stories of sinful Inferni from his own point of view.

The time traveler also suspected that Myrika -- and Cassandra, for he had no doubts that she would go as well, if she could -- would not be able to properly explain her want (or need) for a pilgrimage to the land of Lykoi. He was a man of logic and reason, but if there were any supernatural forces in the world that he believed in, it was whatever was in their blood that made them mad, and that made them go back. Kharma knew he had dozens of relatives he had never met. He knew that they were all over the continent, all over the world, perhaps -- across mountains and across oceans. But he believed -- he knew -- that almost all of them would go to Inferni at some point in their lives.

He wondered sometimes, if he had been born outside of the clan, if he would have been drawn there like all the others, but it was really a rhetorical question.

The grey coywolf chuckled a bit. "Of course, I'll stay. You didn't think I was going to let you go again so quickly? Myrika was scared, and he thought perhaps she ought to be. But she was curious and adventurous, and he could not try to convince her to ignore that. "Come on," he said, moving into the nearest cliff shadow and sitting down. "Tell me about your year."

Adventure was never really something he had set out to find, but of course, the less he looked for it, the more it found him. There had been adventure in the sea -- it had threatened to take their lives -- but it had been a promise of adventure all the same. Had he been someone else, he might have seen it as a challenge, and perhaps after everything had fallen apart, he would have sought to conquer the ocean, the waves, and the white seafoam.


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