We were young and innocent... once upon a time

Sucky post, forgive me? xx

Word Count → 284

As expected, the foolish female wasn't the least intimidated by him, his weapons nor he superior size; he didn't know how, but he knew that he could never fool this particular female and maybe that's why he liked her. That and she gave as good as she got, making her interesting company to keep. So amused by the fact that that other saw through him so easily he had almost missed her shot at his head... or so he would claim, as before he knew better her paw connected and he jumped forward, grinning evilly and aimed to drool along the others face; such was their friendship.

Leaping back, so that he stood at a more comfortable distance and all fooling around put to one side he waited for the other to say her piece. As she spoke he narrowed his eyes but remained completely silent, simply listening and considering her words. Titling his head silently, he stared into the females eyes, unsure whether teaching combat to such a female would be a good idea; but Jace was the closest thing to a friend he had and he would not reject her if she asked for his assistance, regardless of whether he thought helping her would be a stupid idea. Silently, he unhooked the leather strap along his left arm and pulled free a knife which was concealed there. “Although knives aren't my speciality, I can probably assist you somewhat” he responded, the decided to voice his thoughts, “But let it be known; I think you're already dangerous enough as it it... poisons and now knives... just so you know, I ain't teaching you sword play” he was shaking his head towards the end.

Image courtesy of clearlyambiguous@Flickr; table template by the Mentors, modified by Silver!

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