Just the three of us {AW}

"I am Da's pet?" He asked, still watching the bunnies with curiousity. Sirius didn't know that animals came in colors just like wolves did, that there could be black ones and white ones and gray ones. It was so neat! He wondered if anyone could have a pet, or if it was just something that adults were allowed to do. Pilot had told him that there were a lot of things he wouldn't be allowed to do, that only big adult members of the pack could do.

"Jobe...and Honneh" He pronounced the names, grinning. "And we has Jobe...and Honneh here to keep us company!" He looked at Honey, coming in a little bit closer to investigate. "I has a pet sometime? Where does you get pets?" The young male looked up at Sadra seriously, awaiting an answer.


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