only yesterday..
Leaning down to him with her cheek resting against her foreleg she smiled at the boy, her eyes twinkling as he began to speak. He was so excited and happy, but most pups were thatway, atleast from what she could remember they were. Tilting her head to the side to watch him move about as he spoke. Her ears flicked back as she grinned and shook her head at why he thought she was here. "Nope, I don't really know Tayui.. and I haven't really seen your father since we all settled, though I suppose I should talk to him if this old grannylady is gonna come visit." She smiled down at him as he seemed so happy to be with his father.

She lowered her hind legs down and tucked her tail along her side as she drew her head back, mock seriousness in her voice as Sirius asked excitedly about his dad. She smiled to herself as she thought of the leader before he really began to know his real side, remembering the mismatched wolf that had been raised by squirrels. She grinned and looked about all secret like before whispering. "He was raised by squirrels! He made your grandpa swear off eating squirrels because it horrified him to think that he may have been eating a relative!" she chuckled happily as she remembered the old days before the fire.

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