It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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ooc: Smile I have to say this was fun! A great start for me returning to the site. 249 Words

Character Name: X'yrin Exultare

Character Age: 3.5 years

Character Gender: Female

Preferred Specialized Rank: Kenpo | Konrei

OOC Name: Zyn

Other Characters Played: (Zynex)

OOC Second Form of Contact: Aim

Character Alignment: (optional)---

A few days was plenty of time for the female to assess the warriors of Ichika, provided they wished to meet with her. Apparently if it was not to her liking, she could leave. A prolonged stay would require loyalty to the lands; a notion at this present time she was not satisfied to fulfill yet. A few days was fair enough indeed. "I understand," she said at last, her face losing its natural exuberance once the weight of the situation settled upon her again. "I will not waste this time you have granted me, nor will I make trouble." Truth be told, she wouldn't know how even if she wanted to and she was too smart to stir trouble when she could so easily be outnumbered. No. The Nomads had taught her better than that...

In preparing to step beyond the border, marked as a guest of Ichika no Ho-en, she paused in mid-step, head shooting up toward Nayru. Her ears again drew forward. Wrongs against another? Off the top of her head, she couldn't think of anything. X'yrin had prided herself on remaining on agreeable terms with mostly anyone she came across. "No," she answered without hesitation with brows furrowing slightly with question. Had the looked the part of an assailant? Less anyone counted a few childish scuffles, she hadn't brought harm, let alone death to anyone.

And she intended to keep it that way... so long as the Fates were willing to oblige her.


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