So we set up a home and called it our own
Big Grin León has a long serrated knife/sword type weapon tied at his waist as well. Just FYI Faith is completely black with a white star on her forehead :3

His call sent out the man turned to his horse and stroked her velvety nose, whispering to his oldest friend and companion softly. They would find her here he was sure of it. The terror he had felt when he had opening the door to her room and found it completely empty along with the letter stating that she was leaving was one he had not felt in over a year, not since her mother had died in labor had his heart beat so wildly in his chocolate colored chest. The mare felt his worry and anxiety, she had carried the pup upon her back since the day of the child's birth, since the pup's madre had passed on.

He was lost in his thoughts as he brushed his hand over the black neck and sides so it was her who let him know that someone was approaching with a snort. His white eyes pulled themselves from his downwards staring and turned to face the woman of ivory hues. Faith did not understand the greeting given to her by the Angela because it was english and not spanish but she recognised the general tone and bobbed her head politely. León's ears flicked back into a proper respectful position and his tail wagged a fraction, showing himself to be friendly, these were autonomous bodily functions of course engrained into his behavior by his genetics, the elegant bow that followed however was not. He spoke with the heavy accent of spaniards, small slivers of his own tongue sneaking into his speech as they always did,

"Si señorita. Eeet es with you I wish to speak. I am León Austral, y this es mi caballo Faith." He gestured to the 21 hands tall horse, "We were hoping to join your pack if you would let us."

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