nec spe, nec metu
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He simply nodded, half-agreeing, half still thinking that it was kind of nice that people could be remembered as better than they probably were. It was more than many people probably deserved, but it was one of those small, pleasant things about the world that made him wonder sometimes. Dreams and illusions could be real if only they were perceived to be so, and thus, truths about dead figures could be anything at all, and as long as there was someone to believe in them, they could be true. Though it was on par with what he had been thinking himself, Cercelee's question surprised him. Strangely enough though, the answer was not immediately obvious to him, though perhaps it should have been. Not thinking about him had become habitual.

It was easy to conclude that even now, it was Nirupama Tsunami that knew him best. Certainly the grey wolf knew all of his numerous faults and knew of all of his numerous sins. Perhaps he could even provide accounts of the few good things Laruku had done in his life, but the most important thing to the hybrid was that Tsunami knew all about all the terrible things he'd done. He would never be remembered as a saint. There was also Ahren to consider though, as he found it unlikely that anyone would be asking Tsunami about him, wherever he was. Ahren also knew a great number of his faults and probably understood Ryoujoku better than the grey wolf. Still, similar as they were and as close as they'd become, Laruku still saw that dividing line between the two males. It wasn't something he liked to think about much either though.

I suppose so, he replied finally, quietly. Most of the people that knew me are either gone or dead already though. Tsunami was gone. Phasma was dead. Ahren was just as half-crazy as he was. And everyone else that knew his name remained mostly ignorant; they were the ones that were most insistent on adorning him with adjectives that he did not deserve. Iskata thought too well of him, whether it was his past or present self. The former Clouded Tears members... well, none of them had ever really known him at all. And neither had Cercelee. The Laruku that most still knew was just a locked drawer of secrets that he hoped they would never know. The hybrid did not want to be remembered at all in the end.

What about you?


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